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Online ordering for restaurants

Do you know situations when waiters do not have time to serve all the guests and customers leave because of long waiting time? There is a solution - online orders from Platto.ai

Online ordering for restaurants

What is online ordering from Platto.ai?

Platto.ai offers an advanced online ordering package that radically changes the approach to restaurant service. This system allows guests to place their own orders via their smartphones by scanning a QR code on the table.

Register at Platto.ai for free and get a full set of features for your restaurant.

The main features of the Online ordering package are::

Benefits of online ordering for restaurants

For the restaurant owner:

Increased turnover and profits: By speeding up the service process, the restaurant can serve more customers in the same amount of time, which has a direct impact on increased revenue.

Optimise staff costs: A restaurant can reduce the number of waiters by organising work through online menus. Online orders will go straight to the kitchen, the waiters will only need to serve the food and close the cheque. And in case of online payment, the cheque will already be closed.

Access to detailed business analytics: Platto.ai provides reports on sales, popular dishes, peak hours of operation, which allows you to make the right business decisions.

Increased competitiveness of the restaurant: Implementation of modern technologies makes the restaurant stand out among competitors and attracts technologically savvy customers.

Ability to make quick menu changes: The owner can quickly update the menu, add new dishes or promotions in response to changes in demand or seasonality.

Reduced menu printing costs: An electronic menu does not require constant reprinting when changes occur, which saves money and is more environmentally friendly.

For the manager:

Better control over processes: Platto.ai allows real-time tracking of all orders, their status and lead times, making it easier to manage the restaurant.

Reduced staff workload: Automating order taking allows staff to focus on service quality and other important tasks.

Quick response to menu changes: The manager can instantly update the menu in the system if a dish is out of stock or new items are added.

Workflow optimisation: The system helps to evenly distribute the workload among the staff and improve coordination between the kitchen and the hall.

Simplify the training process for new employees: It is easier for newcomers to learn how to work with a digital system than to memorise the nuances of traditional service.

Ability to analyse peak hours and optimise staff schedules: Based on data on how busy the restaurant is at different times, staff shifts can be planned efficiently.

Improved communication between the room and the kitchen: Orders arrive in the kitchen instantly and in a structured manner, minimising errors and misunderstandings.

For the chef:

Clear and structured orders: The chef receives orders in a uniform format, which makes it easier to process them and minimises errors.

Better procurement planning: Based on data on the popularity of dishes, the chef can plan ingredient purchases more accurately.

Popularity analysis: The system provides accurate order statistics to help optimise menus and develop new dishes.

Reduced order transfer errors: Automation eliminates human error in transferring orders from the waiter to the kitchen.

Easily update menus and make seasonal changes: The chef can quickly add new dishes or adjust existing dishes in response to seasonal or product availability.

Better control over food quality: With a clear ordering system, the chef can better control when each dish is prepared and served.

Ability to receive direct feedback from customers: The system allows you to collect feedback on dishes, which helps the chef to continuously improve the menu.

Optimise the cooking process: With accurate order data, the chef can better organise the kitchen and distribute tasks among the chefs.

For waiters:

Reduced stress and workload: Automating order taking reduces routine tasks and reduces the risk of errors.

More time for quality service: By eliminating the need to write down orders, waiters can focus more on creating a pleasant atmosphere and satisfying guests’ needs.

Reduced order-taking errors: The system eliminates errors associated with incorrectly recording or transferring orders to the kitchen.

Ability to serve more tables: By automating the ordering process, the waiter can efficiently handle more tables.

Improved guest interaction: The freed up time allows waiters to interact more with guests, make recommendations and create a personalised service.

Increased tipping: Improved service quality and the number of orders processed leads to increased tipping.

Reduced customer conflict: Automating orders reduces the risk of misunderstandings and mistakes that can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Optimisation of processes in the restaurant

The implementation of online ordering from Platto.ai significantly speeds up service. Guests no longer wait for a waiter to place an order or ask for the bill. This leads to increased table turnover and, as a result, increased revenue.

Order accuracy increases up to 99% as the human factor in transferring the order from the guest to the kitchen is eliminated. This not only improves the customer experience but also reduces waste in the kitchen.

Increase revenue with online ordering

Statistics show that restaurants that have implemented an online ordering system increase their revenue by 15-20% on average. This is due to:

Examples of successful implementation

La Dolce Vita restaurant in New York increased its revenue by 25% after implementing Platto.ai. The owner notes: ‘We were able to serve 30% more customers without increasing staff.’

The Draniki chain from Indonesia reduced order wait times by 40%, resulting in a 30% increase in repeat customers. Here is a link to an online menu of Draniki: https://draniki.platto.ai/

Online ordering for restaurants package price

Platto.ai ordering package costs just $29 per month, and when you pay for 6 months, you get an additional month free. This package includes:

We offer you to test the Platto.ai online ordering system absolutely free of charge for 2 weeks. You will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the system without any obligation.

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